Photo taken from above of honeybees walking around on top of a hive honeycomb. There are about 21 bees visible facing different directions.


[Photo taken from above of of honey bees walking around in their hive on top of a honey comb. There are about 22 bees visible, some are not fully in the frame. Their bodies are a deep gold and amber, with large black eyes and stripes across their bodies. Their wings are clear and shiny, outlined in white with beautiful, delicate white lines throughout. There are 2 large blurred yellow spots foregrounded in the photo. The text "STRATEGIC PARTNERS" is overlayed on top of the image in black bold letters across 2 thick, white stripes.]

SOIL collaborates with strategic partners on specific projects and long term transformative justice work. Often this work takes the form of 101 & 201 level trainings as well as the following: 

  • organizing

  • strategy 

  • projects

  • facilitation and coaching

  • infrastructure creation and/or strengthening

  • resource development 

  • leadership development

SOIL works with different kinds of groups including, but not limited to: organizations, networks, alliances, coalitions, communities, groups of multiple pods, community groups that are not 501(c)3s, intimate networks, and families.