[Image Description for photo above and below: Six orcas move through calm water. The image is taken just above the surface of the water and the image is slightly overexposed from the sun shining off the water, creating a dreamy glowing effect. Four of the orcas have a small portion of their backs visible above water while the other two only have the fins visible.]
Pod Map Worksheets
Developed by Mia Mingus
These worksheets are available to view, print and download at no cost and intended to be used as templates. If you find that you are needing a more custom pod map, I highly recommend hand drawing your own. I have seen many inspiring hand drawn pod maps over the last 7 years. I have loved the creativity and freedom with which people created their maps, using different shapes and sizes, color coding, and images. The goal is that your pod map works for you.
This is the original pod map I designed in 2016, with some important changes. This is a template to help you begin to identify who could be in your pod(s). I invite you to fill out multiple worksheets for your different pods, or you can try one of the multiple pod worksheets below.
1) Beginning with the box in the upper lefthand corner, write your name and the name of your map on the first line (e.g. accountability, access, neighborhood, Boston, pandemic). Next, write the date you are mapping your pod, as well as the date that you will check back in on this map to assess your progress in building or expanding your pod. I recommend putting your Progress Date into your calendar or sharing it with a trusted friend. This is a great opportunity to buddy-up with someone to mutually support each other in building your respective pods.
2) The line in the middle of the bolded circles can be used to get more specific with your pod’s name. For example: the name of your map may be “Houston,” but you may write the more specific, “healing support” on the line within the pod circles. You also may not need to get any more specific, in which case, you can leave that line blank or use it for another purpose.
3) The bold-outlined circles represent your pod members. Write the names of the people who are in your pod. I recommend using one circle for each person. You may also wish to use one circle for a couple or household (e.g. Tamika and Jocelyn or The Woods). You are encouraged to write the specific names of people, instead of “my church group” or “my neighbors,” which can be too broad, especially for subsequent pod work.
4) The dotted lines surrounding your pod are people who are “movable.” They are people that could be moved into your pod, but your relationship with them needs a little more work. For example, you might need to build more relationship and trust with them. Or maybe you’ve never had a conversation with them about punishment, prisons, sexual violence, abolition, accountability or healing.
5) The larger circles at the edge of the page are for networks, communities or groups that could be resources for you. It could be your local domestic violence direct service organization, your cohort in nursing school, your youth group or a transformative justice group.
[Image Description: This is an image of a black and white 8.5"x11" document in landscape mode filled with many kinds of circles. Along the top left is a box with three rows and black text. In the first row is “Pod Map - SOIL: A Transformative Justice Project.” The second row has “YOUR NAME:” with blank space after and “NAME OF MAP:” with blank space after. The third row has “DATE MAPPED:” with blank space after and “PROGRESS CHECK DATE:” with blank space after. In the center of the page is a thin horizontal line about 1” long. Around it are six small circles with bolded, solid line perimeters. Loosely arranged around the bolded circles are fourteen small circles of the same size but with thin, dotted line perimeters. Around the dotted circles and filling the rest of the blank space of the page are larger circles of various sizes with thin, solid line perimeters.]
Click the worksheet image to see it full screen.
You can print or download by clicking the image or the pdf link.
[Image Description: An image of an 8.5"x11" document in landscape mode filled with many kinds of circles. Along the top left is a box with 3 rows. In the first row is “Pod Map - SOIL: A Transformative Justice Project” in black text. The second row has “YOUR NAME:” in black text, “DANI” written in purple, “NAME OF MAP:” in black text, and “GENERAL TJ” written in purple. The third row has “DATE MAPPED:” in black text, “1/20/23” written in purple, “PROGRESS CHECK DATE:” in black text, and “4/22/23” written in purple. In the center of the page is a thin horizontal line about 1” long with “MY * PEOPLE” written in purple. Around it are six small circles with bolded, solid line perimeters. Two of the top circles have “ALICE” and “SANDY” and one of the bottom circles has “MARGO” all written in light blue. Loosely arranged around the bolded circles are fourteen small circles of the same size but with thin, dotted line perimeters. One of the top circles has “IRIS,” two of the circles on the right have “CORVIN” and “DONNA,” one of the bottom circles has “VERO,” and two of the circles on the left have “NORMA” and “GINA” all written in light blue. Around the dotted circles and filling the rest of the blank space of the page are larger circles of various sizes with thin, solid line perimeters. Two medium size circles on the right have “TRANSFORM HARM” and “CREATIVE INTERVNTS TOOL KIT,” a medium size circle at the bottom has “SOIL,” a very large circle on the bottom left has “POD DINNERS” with a filled in drawn heart, and a very large circle on the top left has “COMMUNITY PARENT NETWORK” all written in light blue.]
Here is an example of a filled out pod map.
(Disclaimer: This pod is not someone’s actual pod map. The names of individuals, groups and organizations are included for example purposes only.)
This map is meant to accompany the other pod maps listed here. It is an opportunity to engage deeper with any one pod, by thinking through the different skills, strengths and growth areas of your pod people, as well as provide space for any other useful notes. This map can be especially useful for people engaged in the work of growing or deepening their pod, so that they know what other skills to look for in future pod members or what kinds of education or training might be good to invest in with their current pod members.
You could also use this map as an initial place to map your pod without moveable people. Your pod map should work for you, so feel free to get creative.
This map could also be useful for those who are addressing a particular issue or situation using their pod. For example, let’s say you are mapping your wild fire emergency pod. It would be helpful to not only list people’s different skills (e.g. can drive, can navigate this area without GPS or a phone, capable of heavy lifting, has extensive camping/outdoor survival experience), but also their resources (e.g. has a van that can fit 5 people and ample supplies, has a portable and rechargeable large heavy duty battery, has 3 go-bags ready at all times, family lives 2.5 hours away where we can stay, if needed).
Another example where this map could be useful is when applied to an accountability pod. You may wish to map out the different skills, competencies and resources of the people in your accountability pod, both as a way to understand the landscape of your current accountability pod of 3 people and where the gaps are, so you know where you need to build. Next to one of your pod member’s circle, you might list things such as: has been through extensive accountability training, has a clear and nuanced understanding of accountability and harm, and has been part of an accountability process. Next to another you might list: Can share very vulnerably about themselves, leads with curiosity and rarely judges, has changed their own harmful behavior, has known me for 13 years, does not know much about transformative justice. And for the last: has been sober and in recovery for 21 years and understands shame, is a really good listener and direct communicator, and has never heard of transformative justice, but is open to learning. This can help you think through what your accountability pod’s strengths are as well as areas of growth. From here you may decide to: attend a transformative justice training together and plan to talk about it after, as well as read some articles on the subject; make time for all of you to hang out socially together to get to know each other better; or ask your pod member if they would be willing to talk with the rest of you about accountability or recommend a training you could all attend or other resources.
1) Beginning with the box in the upper left corner, write your name and the name of your map on the first line (e.g. my accountability, access, neighborhood, Minneapolis, pandemic). Next, write the date you are mapping your pod, as well as the date that you will check back in on this map to assess your progress in building or expanding your pod. I recommend putting your Progress Date into your calendar or sharing it with a trusted friend. This is a great opportunity to buddy-up with someone to mutually support each other in building your respective pods.
2) The line in the middle of the bolded circles can be used to get more specific with your pod’s name. For example: the name of your map (in the box you just filled out) may be “Tampa,” but you may write the more specific, “healing support” on the line within the pod circles. If you do not need to get more specific you can leave that line blank or use it for another purpose.
3) The bold-outlined circles represent your pod. Write the names of the people who are in your pod. I recommend using one circle for each person. You may also wish to use one circle for a couple or household (e.g. Von and Taylor or The Odehs). You are encouraged to write the specific names of people, instead of “my support group” or “my neighbors,” which can be too broad, especially for subsequent pod work.
4) The 3 lines outside of each of the bolded circles are a space where you can write skills, strengths, growth areas, qualities, notes, etc.
5) The larger circles at the edge of the page are for networks, communities or groups that could be resources for you and this particular pod. It could be your local food bank, a network of doulas of color, or your place of worship.
[Image Description: This is an image of a black and white 8.5"x11" document in landscape mode filled with circles and lines. Along the top center is a box with three rows and black text. In the first row is “Skills & Needs Pod Map - SOIL: A Transformative Justice Project.” The second row has “YOUR NAME:” with blank space after and “NAME OF MAP:” with blank space after. The third row has “DATE MAPPED:” with blank space after and “PROGRESS CHECK DATE:” with blank space after. In the center of the page is a thin horizontal line about 1” long. Around it are six small circles with bolded, solid line perimeters. Arranged around the bolded circles are six sets of three lines. Each small, bold circle has a corresponding set of three lines next to it. Filling the edges of the page are larger circles of various sizes with thin, solid line perimeters.]
Click the worksheet image to see it full screen.
You can print or download by clicking the image or the pdf link.
[Image Description: This is an image of an 8.5"x11" document in landscape mode filled with circles and lines. Along the top center is a box with three rows and black text. In the first row is “Skills & Needs Pod Map - SOIL: A Transformative Justice Project” in black text. The second row has “YOUR NAME:” in black text, “TINA” written in orange, “NAME OF MAP:” in black text, and “EMERGENCY PREP” written in orange. The third row has “DATE MAPPED:” in black text, “1/18/22” writte in orange, “PROGRESS CHECK DATE:” in black text, and “4/22/23” writte in orange. In the center of the page is a thin horizontal line about 1” long with “FIRE PREP” written in purple. Around it are six small circles with bolded, solid line perimeters. Starting from the bottom left of these circles are the names “INEZ,” “SARAH,” “CARMEN,” “TASHMICA,” and “SHANNON” written in purple ink. The bottom center of these circles is blank. Arranged around the bolded circles are six sets of three lines. Each small, bold circle has a corresponding set of three lines next to it. The lines next to each circle have some writing in purple. The words on the “INEZ” lines are “HAS 3 GO-BAGS READY●EXTENSIVE CAMPING/SURVIVAL SKILLS●.” The lines next to “SARAH” have “●HAS A CAR + CAN DRIVE W/OUT USING GPS●” and the word “CAR” has a small arrow pointing to “6 people.” The lines next to “CARMEN” have “FAMILY IN NEXT CITY HAS HOUSE FOR US●FROM THIS AREA●BROTHER CAN HELP TOO.” The lines next to “TASHMICA” have “PORTABLE + RECHARGABLE BATTERY●EXTRA MASKS●SUPPLIES FOR KIDS●.” The lines next to “SHANNON” have “●CAN HELP LOAD HEAVY THINGS●HAS EMERGENCY WATER + FOOD PACKED + READY.” Filling the edges of the page are larger circles of various sizes with thin, solid line perimeters. A large circle in the top right corner has “CARMEN’S FAMILY FOR HOUSING” in purple writing. A large circle in the bottom left corner has “SURVIVAL TRAININGS! FROM THE BY THE STARS COLLECTIVE” in purple writing.]
Here is an example of a filled out pod map.
(Disclaimer: This pod is not someone’s actual pod map. The names of individuals, groups and organizations are included for example purposes only.)
These 2 pod maps are for those who would like to map multiple pods at the same time. There is a worksheet to map 3 pods and one to map 4. Both maps are the same, except for the number of pods shown.
These maps can be helpful if you have multiple pods that are all related to a similar area of your life. For example, if you are a parent, you may have multiple pods related to parenting. The name of your map may be “Parenting Support” and the 4 pods below may be: “parent friend pod” for those friends in your life who are also parents; “queer kid parents” for those parents who, like you, are parenting a queer child; “school parents” for parents you are friendly with at your childrens’ school; and a “childcare pod” for the people in your life who help out with and/or share childcare.
Another example could be if you are a survivor who has just gotten out of an abusive relationship and you want to map the 3 main support pods you have. The name of your pod map may be “Moving Forward” and your 3 pods may be: “healing support” for those who have also been in abusive relationships and are supporting each other in the aftermath; “safety” for friends who have agreed to be on-call and are ready to intervene in case your ex shows up in your life, some of whom are taking turns sleeping on your couch so you are not alone; and “care circle” for loved ones who are bringing meals over, providing childcare, going on walks with you and helping you with everything from errands to laundry and cleaning.
You fill these maps out just as you would fill out the original pod map:
1) Beginning with the box in the upper lefthand corner, write your name and the name of your map on the first line (e.g. my accountability, access, neighborhood, Seattle, pandemic). Next, write the date you are mapping your pod, as well as the date that you will check back in on this map to assess your progress in building or expanding your pod. I recommend putting your Progress Date into your calendar or sharing it with a trusted friend. This is a great opportunity to buddy-up with someone to mutually support each other in building your respective pods.
2) The lines in the middle of the bolded circles are to write the names of your different pods. For example: the name of your map (in the box you just filled out) may be “Brooklyn,” but you may write the more specific, “accountability support” on the line within one of the pod circles and “access” or “transportation” in the others.
3) The bold-outlined circles represent your pods. Write the names of the people who are in each of your pods. I recommend using one circle for each person. You may also wish to use one circle for a couple or household (e.g. Susan and Dan or The Lees). You are encouraged to write the specific names of people, instead of “my study group” or “my neighbors,” which can be too broad, especially for your subsequent pod work.
4) The dotted lines surrounding your pod are people who are “movable.” They are people that could be moved into a pod, but you need to do a bit more work to make that possible. For example, you might need to build more relationship or trust with them. Or maybe you’ve never had a conversation with them about punishment, immigration, abolition or accountability.
5) The larger circles are for networks, communities or groups that could be resources for you. It could be your local domestic violence direct service organization, your cohort in nursing school, your youth group or a transformative justice group.
[Image Description: This is an image of a black and white 8.5"x11" document in landscape mode filled with many kinds of circles. Along the top center is a box with three rows and black text. In the first row is “Multiple Pods Map - SOIL: A Transformative Justice Project.” The second row has “YOUR NAME:” with blank space after and “NAME OF MAP:” with blank space after. The third row has “DATE MAPPED:” with blank space after and “PROGRESS CHECK DATE:” with blank space after. There are three sets of six small circles with bolded, solid line perimeters arranged in a ring at the top center, bottom left, and bottom right areas of the page. In the center of each of these circle rings is a thin horizontal line about 1” long. Filling in most of the page around the bolded circles are twenty nine small circles of the same size but with thin, dotted line perimeters. Filling the rest of the blank space of the page are larger circles of various sizes with thin, solid line perimeters with one medium circle at the bottom center, two large circles in the top corners, and two medium circles just under the large circles.]
Click the worksheet images to see them full screen.
You can print or download by clicking the images or using the pdf links.
[Image Description: This is an image of a black and white 8.5"x11" document in landscape mode filled with many kinds of circles. Along the top center is a box with three rows and black text. In the first row is “Multiple Pods Map - SOIL: A Transformative Justice Project.” The second row has “YOUR NAME:” with blank space after and “NAME OF MAP:” with blank space after. The third row has “DATE MAPPED:” with blank space after and “PROGRESS CHECK DATE:” with blank space after. There are four sets of six small circles with bolded, solid line perimeters arranged in a ring at the top left, bottom left, top right, and bottom right areas of the page. In the center of each of these circle rings is a thin horizontal line about 1” long. Filling in most of the page around the bolded circles are thirty five small circles of the same size but with thin, dotted line perimeters. Filling the rest of the blank space down the center of the page are three larger circles of various sizes with thin, solid line perimeters.]
Click the worksheet images to see them full screen.
You can print or download by clicking the images or using the pdf links.
[Image Description: This is an image of an 8.5"x11" document in landscape mode filled with many kinds of circles. Along the top center is a box with three rows. In the first row is “Multiple Pods Map - SOIL: A Transformative Justice Project” in black text. The second row has “YOUR NAME:” in black text, “MP” written in green, “NAME OF MAP:” in black text, and “ACCESS SUPPORT” written in green. The third row has “DATE MAPPED:” in black text, “12/4/22” written in green, “PROGRESS CHECK DATE:” in black text, and “3/4/23” written in green. There are three sets of six small circles with bolded, solid line perimeters arranged in a ring at the top center, bottom left, and bottom right areas of the page. In the center of each of these circle rings is a thin horizontal line about 1” long. The top center ring of bolded circles has “EMOTIONAL SUPPORT” written on the line in the middle of the ring in orange. A few of the bolded circles are filled in with one name each of “SUNNY,” “ARI,” and “JAMES” written in orange. The bottom left ring of bolded circles has “RIDES” written on the line in the middle of the ring in light blue. A few of the bolded circles are filled in with one name each of “ANNIE,” “JARAD,” and “STEPH” written in light blue. The bottom right ring of bolded circles has “FOOD + COOKING” written on the line in the middle of the ring in purple. Most of the bolded circles are filled in with one name each of “RYAN,” “PEREL,” “MELISSA,” and “DES” written in purple. Filling in most of the page around the bolded circles are twenty nine small circles of the same size but with thin, dotted line perimeters. Several of the dotted circles around the orange “EMOTIONAL SUPPORT” bolded ring are filled with one name each of “EMILY,” “KARLA,” and “XHERCIS.” Several of the dotted circles around the light blue “RIDES” bolded ring are filled with one name each of “YVONNE” and “HADLEY.” Several of the dotted circles around the purple “FOOD + COOKING” bolded ring are filled with one name each of “JOLANTA” and “FABIOLA.” Filling the rest of the blank space of the page are larger circles of various sizes with thin, solid line perimeters with one medium circle at the bottom center, two large circles in the top corners, and two medium circles just under the large circles. The large circle in the top left has “DISABILITY JUSTICE COLLECTIVE” written in orange.]
Here is an example of a filled out pod map.
(Disclaimer: This pod is not someone’s actual pod map. The names of individuals, groups and organizations are included for example purposes only.)
[Image Description: This is an image of an 8.5"x11" document in landscape mode filled with many kinds of circles. Along the top center is a box with three rows. In the first row is “Multiple Pods Map - SOIL: A Transformative Justice Project” in black text. The second row has “YOUR NAME:” in black text, “NOEMI” written in blue, “NAME OF MAP:” in black text, and “PARENTING” written in blue. The third row has “DATE MAPPED:” in black text, “1/17/23” written in blue, “PROGRESS CHECK DATE:” in black text, and “4/22/23” written in blue. There are four sets of six small circles with bolded, solid line perimeters arranged in a ring at the top left, bottom left, top right, and bottom right areas of the page. In the center of each of these circle rings is a thin horizontal line about 1” long. The top left ring of bolded circles has “PARENT FRIENDS SUPPORT” written on the line in the middle of the ring in green. A few of the bolded circles are filled in with one name each of “TONY,” “ANAMIKA,” and “SAM” written in green. The bottom left ring of bolded circles has “D’S SCHOOL PARENTS” written on the line in the middle of the ring in purple. A couple of the bolded circles are filled in with one name each of “MIA H.” and “LORRAINE” written in purple. The top right ring of bolded circles has “CHILDCARE” written on the line in the middle of the ring in orange. A few of the bolded circles are written in orange with one name each of “PAIGE,” “MARK,” and “ROBBIE” The bottom right ring of bolded circles has “PARENTING QUEER KIDS” written on the line in the middle of the ring in light blue. A couple of the bolded circles are written in light blue with one name each of “DAWN” and “ALIA.” Filling in most of the page around the bolded circles are thirty five small circles of the same size but with thin, dotted line perimeters. Several of the dotted circles around the green “PARENT FRIENDS SUPPORT” bolded ring are written in green with one name each of “ELENA,” “MONIKA,” and “NK.” Some of the dotted circles around the purple “D’S SCHOOL PARENTS” bolded ring are written in purple with one name each of “HEBA,” “ANGELICA,” “ALIX,” and “MIKE.” Several of the dotted circles around the orange “CHILDCARE” bolded ring are written in orange one name each of “LUIS,” “QUETZAL,” and “ESTHER.” Some of the dotted circles around the light blue “PARENTING QUEER KIDS” bolded ring are written in light blue with one name each of “BETTY,” “LIZ,” and “LIAM.” Filling the rest of the blank space down the center of the page are three larger circles of various sizes with thin, solid line perimeters with pink writing. The circle at the top has “WITH LOVE PARENTING GROUP,” the circle in the center has “SOIL TJ PARENT NETWORK,” and the circle at the bottom has “SIMONE ELDER” with a small, drawn heart.]
Here is an example of a filled out pod map.
(Disclaimer: This pod is not someone’s actual pod map. The names of individuals, groups and organizations are included for example purposes only.)
This map is for people who have pods that share a pod member. This is a template, so if you have pods that share more than one pod member, I would encourage you to draw your own custom map.
On the map, you will see 3 pods with overlapping gray circles, signifying a shared pod member. It is common for people to have pod members who straddle different pods. For example, the name of your map may be “Everyday TJ” and your 3 pods may be: “directly impacted pod,” to gain support for times when you experience harm or are directly impacted by a challenging experience; “accountability pod,” to support you in your work to be better at taking accountability and preventing harm; and “local pod,” so that you are building support for yourself in the neighborhood, town or city you live in, in the event of a crisis or emergency. Your friend, Ju Hee, may be part of your accountability pod and your local pod, so her name would occupy one of the joined gray circles in both of those respective pods.
This pod map is filled out similarly to the Multiple Pods Worksheet:
1) Beginning with the box in the upper lefthand corner, write your name and the name of your map on the first line (e.g. my accountability, access, neighborhood, Buffalo, pandemic). Next, write the date you are mapping your pod, as well as the date that you will check back in on this map to assess your progress in building or expanding your pod. I recommend putting your Progress Date into your calendar or sharing it with a trusted friend. This is a great opportunity to buddy-up with someone to mutually support each other in building your respective pods.
2) The lines in the middle of the bolded circles are to write the names of your different pods. For example: the name of your map (in the box you just filled out) may be “Ashville,” but you may write the more specific, “neighborhood” on the line within one of the pod circles and “access” or “childcare” in the others.
3) The bold-outlined circles represent your pods. Write the names of the people who are in each of your pods. I recommend using one circle for each person. You may also wish to use one circle for a couple or household (e.g. Shawn and Benji or The Morales’). You are encouraged to write the specific names of people, instead of “my study group” or “my neighbors,” which can be too broad, especially for your subsequent pod work. For the shared circles in grey, I would recomend writing that pod member's name across both circles, as illustrated in the example below.
4) The dotted lines surrounding your pod are people who are “movable.” They are people that could be moved into a pod, but you need to do a bit more work to make that possible. For example, you might need to build more relationship or trust with them. Or maybe you’ve never had a conversation with them about accessibility, healing, class, immigration or trauma.
5) The larger circles are for networks, communities or groups that could be resources for you. It could be your local food bank, or your cohort in graduate school, or your youth group, or a disability justice group.
[Image Description: This is an image of a black and white 8.5"x11" document in landscape mode filled with many kinds of circles. Along the top center is a box with three rows and black text. In the first row is “Shared Pods Map - SOIL: A Transformative Justice Project.” The second row has “YOUR NAME:” with blank space after and “NAME OF MAP:” with blank space after. The third row has “DATE MAPPED:” with blank space after and “PROGRESS CHECK DATE:” with blank space after. There are three sets of six small circles with bolded, solid line perimeters arranged in a ring at the top center, center left, and center right areas of the page. The top center bolded ring has two circles that slightly overlap with circles in the other rings. Specifically, the bottom left circle of the top center ring overlaps with the top right circle of the center left ring. Also, the bottom right circle of the top center ring overlaps with the top left circle of the center right ring. The overlapped circles are slightly shaded. In the center of each of the bolded circle rings is a thin horizontal line about 1” long. Filling in most of the page around the bolded circles are twenty three small circles of the same size but with thin, dotted line perimeters. Filling the rest of the blank space of the page are larger circles of various sizes with thin, solid line perimeters.]
Click the worksheet image to see it full screen.
You can print or download by clicking the image or the pdf link.
[Image Description: This is an image of an 8.5"x11" document in landscape mode filled with many kinds of circles. Along the top center is a box with three rows and black text. In the first row is “Shared Pods Map - SOIL: A Transformative Justice Project” in black text. The second row has “YOUR NAME:” in black text, “KEESHA” written in blue, “NAME OF MAP:” in black text, and “EVERYDAY TJ” and a small, drawn heart written in blue. The third row has “DATE MAPPED:” in black text, “3/3/23” written in blue, “PROGRESS CHECK DATE:” in black text, and “6/30/23” written in blue. There are three sets of six small circles with bolded, solid line perimeters arranged in a ring at the top center, center left, and center right areas of the page. The top center bolded ring has two circles that slightly overlap with circles in the other rings. Specifically, the bottom left circle of the top center ring overlaps with the top right circle of the center left ring. Also, the bottom right circle of the top center ring overlaps with the top left circle of the center right ring. The overlapped circles are slightly shaded. In the center of each of the bolded circle rings is a thin horizontal line about 1” long. The top center ring has “DIRECT IMPACT” written on the line in the middle of the ring in blue. Several of the bolded circles are filled in with one name each of “JENN,” “EILEEN,” and “EM” written in blue. The overlapping bold circle with the center left ring has “ABRAHAM” written across both rings in a diagonal in orange. The overlapping bold circle with the center right ring has “ANDREA” written across both rings in a diagonal in orange. The center left ring is in green and has “ACCOUNTABILITY” on the line in the center of the ring and three drawn stars above the word. Several of the bolded circles are filled in with one name each of “MARIELLA,” “LEO,” and “EIKO” in green. The center right ring has “LOCAL POD” written on the line in the center of the ring in pink. Several of the bolded circles are filled in with one name each of “CYN,” “JULIA,” and “JENNY” in pink. Filling in most of the page around the bolded circles are twenty three small circles of the same size but with thin, dotted line perimeters. Several of the dotted circles around the blue “DIRECT IMPACT” ring are written in blue with one name each of “TARA,” “NICHOLA,” and “CARLA.” Some of the dotted circles around the green “ACCOUNTABILITY” ring are in green with one name each of “ANN,” “JUDY,” and “JOY.” Several of the dotted circles around the pink “LOCAL POD” ring are written in pink and have one name each of “HEATHERLY,” “AL,” and “TRYKA.” Filling the rest of the blank space of the page are larger circles of various sizes with thin, solid line perimeters. In the top left of the page is a large circle with “VIRTUAL ACCOUNTABILITY SUPPORT SPACE (TRAININGS, SUPPORT, COMMUNITY)” written in green. In the top right of the page is a large circle with “LOCAL BIPOC HEALER NETWORK” written in the center and “COMMUNITY-BASED ACCESSIBLE HEALING” written around the inside top circumference of the circle. The circle perimeter is also colored in with the left half in pink and the right half in blue.]
Here is an example of a filled out pod map.
(Disclaimer: This pod is not someone’s actual pod map. The names of individuals, groups and organizations are included for example purposes only.)